Monday, February 21, 2011

Researching Color 2/17/11 -Week 5

Color Wheel

The interesting aspect of this illustration of the color wheel is that it uses different shapes to define the colors. Circles, which are whole and continuous, represent the six solid and main colors. The traingles along the circle are represented by triangles, perhaps to signify that a new color(one side of the triangle) is created by the convergence of two colors(the two other sides of the triangle).

Color harmony is the process by which meaningful colors can be created and involves various aspects such as hue, value, and saturation or chroma. Hue is obtained by developing a certain version of red, green, blue colors. Wavelengths of light are the origin of the actual hues or colors themselves.  Use the opossing colors of white and black to create specific looks for colors. There are three different and intersting ways to change color value. First, add white to tint a color and make it lighter and softer. Secondly, add black to shade a color and create a deeper, more pronounced effect. But when black and white are added together, a tone is produced to push the color to the middle of its scope.

 This image I created in Photoshop to repesent how chroma is created. The yellow line represents the whole spectum of saturation space. In the space of what I call non-saturation, white, gray, or black could be conveyed. So the colors on the second line demonstrate the chroma colors along the spectrum.

Using these three areas of color along with nine different specific color developments, including complementary color and color throughout the color wheel, effective color harmony can be produced. I will definetely be taking these ways to produce color into consideration when creating different color elements for assignment 3.

The following website contains the research I found and the first image above.

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