I want to demonstrate that I have learned the skills necessary to complete this tutorial. The comments weren't included in my orginal script, but are useful in demonstrating my uncerstanding of this script. I wasn't able to post the pngs that I created due to a server problem, but I convert them to jpegs, which I will post here.
Here is my bash code:
$ history
1 cd tmp/Tutorial1
# changed the directory from ~ to tmp/Tutorial1 which is located in C/cgywin/home/Jennifer/tmp/Tutorial1
2 ls #a list of what is in the current directory
3 mspaint resize_piano.png #Open paint and display the current image.
4 convert -fill blue -colorize 50% resize_piano.png blue_piano.png
# convert current image to be filled 50% saturated blue and Save as a new png.
5 mspaint blue_piano.png #Open paint and display the current image.
6 convert -fill red -colorize 50% resize_piano.png red_piano.png
# convert current image to be filled 50% saturated red and Save as a new png.
7 mspaint red_piano.png #Open paint and display the current image.
8 convert -fill green -colorize 50% resize_piano.png green_piano.png
# convert current image to be filled 50% saturated green and Save as a new png.
9 mspaint green_piano.png #Open paint and display the current image.
10 convert -fill green -colorize 20% resize_piano.png less_green_piano.png
# convert current image to be filled 20% saturated green and Save as a new png.
11 mspaint less_green_piano.png #Open paint and display the current image.
12 convert -fill green -colorize 80% resize_piano.png more_green_piano.png
# convert current image to be filled 80% saturated green and Save as a new png.
13 mspaint more_green_piano.png #Open paint and display the current image.
14 //higher the percentage for colorization, the more saturated it becomes.
# An attempt at commenting in a similar manner to Mel and Javascript.
15 # the higher the percentage of colorization, the more saturated it becomes.
# The correct way to comment in bash.
16 convert -fill 'rgb(0,255,0)' -colorize 50% resize_piano.png rgb_green.png
# convert current image to be filled 50% green by calling the specific rgb value of 255-Save as a new png.
17 mspaint rgb_green.png #Open paint and display the current image.
18 convert -fill 'rgb(25,0,25)' -colorize 50% resize_piano.png rgb_lightpurple.png
# convert current image to be filled 50% purple by calling the specific rgb value of 255/Save as new png.
19 mspaint rgb_lightpurple.png #Open paint and display the current image.
20 convert -fill 'rgb(125,0,125)' -colorize 50% resize_piano.png rgb_darkpurple.png
# convert current image to be filled 50% purple by calling the specific rgb value of 255/Save as new png.
21 mspaint rgb-darkpurple.png # Wrong dash in the filename. Would not open file.
22 mspaint rgb_darkpurple.png #Open paint and display the current image.
23 convert -fill purple -colorize 90% resize_piano.png rgb_purple.png
# convert current image to be filled 90% saturated purple- Save as a new png.
24 mspaint rgb_purple.png #Open paint and display the current image.