Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pirates of the Carribbean 3- Anatomy of a Scene:The Maelstrom-Week 11

The Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Maelstrom scene utilizes sophisticated special effects which are conveyed on the 2-Disc Special Edition special features called Anatomy of a Scene: The Maelstrom.

The visual effects were done with Industrial Light and Magic at the Disney Studios. One thing I found interesting was that Gore Verbinski, the director, was as knowledgeable about visual effects as all the VFX people at ILM. The IFDM program is moving in the right direction it seems to train the us to work with multiple levels of the film industry.

Several elements in the Maelstrom scene are crafted in a smart and knowledgeable way. The visual effects people examined the motion of water and its behavior within the scene's environment. They wanted the graphics to look as "realistic" as possible. The filming with the actual actors took place inside a warehouse on the ships with rain-like water pouring down on them. The animators had to consider the way a maelstrom actually functions with fast water further in and slower water toward the edges. 

For battle and fight scenes, ambient visual effects are developed such as animated or computer graphics characters, rain, atmosphere, splintering wood, and explosions. Some aspects of the set design or characters changed in post production. When Captain Jack and Davy Jones are fighting on the yard arm (the left and right arms connected to the mast, which holds the sails-see visual below), there is a stunt man fighting with Johnny Depp. But those people are animated in the beginning of the shot until the rigging of the ship passes the camera and then the visual effects workers switched the footage to the Johnny Depp.

Having the knowledge of multiple subjects within the film industry will be beneficial to us in the long run and where our careers are concerned.

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