66 ffmpeg -i twosides2.VOB -an -vcodec copy tscopy.VOB
# ffmpeg takes imput video, copies the quality, and saves it as a new filename.
67 cd Test2
68 ffmpeg -i twosides2.VOB -an -vcodec copy tscopy.VOB
# -an = audio none, which takes away all the audio from the video. -vcodec copy means that it keeps the quality of the video
69 ls
70 ffplay tscopy.VOB # playing the file
71 ls
72 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away.mp3 -1 twosides2.VOB -vcodec copy tssleepaway.VOB
# I put -1 instead of -i.
73 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away.mp3 -i twosides2.VOB -vcodec copy tssleepaway.VOB
# I put the mp3 audio file from my computer over the wrong video.
74 ls
75 ffplay tssleepaway.VOB
76 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away.mp3 -i tscopy.VOB -vcodec copy tssleepaway2.VOB
# I put the mp3 audio file from my computer over the video that I removed audio from.
77 ls
78 play tssleepaway2.VOB # I accidently typed play instead of ffplay.
79 ffplay tssleepaway2.VOB
80 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away.mp3 -i tscopy.VOB -vcodec copy -acodec libmp3lame tssleepaway3.VOB
# -acodec libmp3lame means that the format will change to mp3 using the provided mp3 library of ffmpeg.
81 ffplay tssleepaway3.VOB
82 ls -lha
# ls the file size of all the file in a folder or directory.
83 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away.mp3 -t 00:00:30 Sleep\ Away2.mp3
#set the first mp3 file to be cut to 30 seconds and saved as the second file.
84 ffplay Sleep\ Away2.mp3
85 ffplay Sleep\ Away2.mp3
# I played this file multiple times because I wanted to get the same visual translation of the audio as I did in the last post. Below, it shows the progression of the piano notes like a person reads a sheet of music.
86 ffplay Sleep\ Away2.mp3
# When the audio reached 30 seconds, the following effect would occur.
87 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away2.mp3 -i tscopy.VOB -vcodec copy -acodec copy tssleepaway4.VOB
# this copies the audio codec of the mp3 file to put on the specified video.
88 ls
89 ffplay tssleepaway4.VOB
90 ls -lha
91 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away.mp3 -t 00:00:10 Sleep\ Away4.mp3
#Cuts the original mp3 down to 10 seconds.
92 ls
93 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away4.mp3 -i tscopy.VOB -vcodec copy -acodec copy tssleepaway4.VOB
# now plays the 10 second mp3 with the video.
94 ffplay tssleepaway4.VOB
95 ffmpeg -i Sleep\ Away4.mp3 -i tscopy.VOB -vcodec copy -acodec copy -t 00:00:10 tssleepaway5.VOB
# makes both the audio and video 10 seconds long.
96 ffplay tssleepaway5.VOB
97 ffplay tssleepaway4.VOB
98 ls -lha
99 history > ffmpegaudio.txt
Unfortunately, I couldn't upload any of the videos I created from the command line. So I will share them with you on dropbox. Dropbox is really convenvient for things like this.
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