Monday, May 9, 2011

FFMPEG sound-Week 13

This ffmpeg tutorial was great in order to capture just the audio from a video into different formats.

Here is my shell history:
66 ffmpeg
67 ffmpg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
68 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
69 ls
70 cd Test 2
71 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
72 cd Test2
73 cd ..
74 l
75 ls
76 cd Test2
77 ls
78 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
79 ls
80 mplayer tsaudio.mp3
81 ffplay tsaudio.mp3
82 ls
83 history > ffmepgsound1.txt
66 ffmpeg
67 ffmpg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
68 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
69 ls
70 cd Test 2
71 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
72 cd Test2
73 cd ..
74 l
75 ls
76 cd Test2
77 ls
78 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.mp3
79 ls
80 mplayer tsaudio.mp3
81 ffplay tsaudio.mp3
82 ls
83 history > ffmepgsound1.txt
84 ls
85 ffmpeg -i twosides.VOB tsaudio.wav
86 ffplay tsaudio.wav
87 ffplay tsaudio.wav
88 ffplay tsaudio.wav
89 history >> ffmepgsound1.txt

So basically what I accomplished with this tutorial was taking the captured audio and playing it with ffplay.
This is the website that told me ffplay existed as an audio player. This will be very handy in the future. I played the wav file of this audio so many times because I wanted to demonstrate in this post how a visual representation of my voice was displayed in the audio dialog box that popped up when I played the audio.


The black spaces represent when audio is absent and the white shapes represent my voice-over narration and any ambient sound or sound effects from my film, Two Sides of One Coin.

But the really fascinating quality of this discovery was that when I edited the audio for my film originally, there was a part in which I split the audio into two parts, to illustrate the two sides of one coin theme. When I listened to this part of the audio, I noticed that the vioce-over narration was showing up visually as magenta in the foreground and green in the background where white had been previously. It was showing visually and through opposite colors that I had split the audio into opposite parts.

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