Monday, May 9, 2011

Fun with FFMPEG documentation-Week 15

After many trials and tribulations where drawbox was concerned, I finally figured it out. All I had to do was put -vf in front of the command I wanted and it worked perfectly.

Here is my code:

66 cd Test2
67 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=50:50:100:50:red" newcolor.VOB
68 ffplay newcolor.VOB
69 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=10:10:500:200:red" newcolor2.VOB
70 ffmpeg newcolor2.VOB
71 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=10:10:500:200:red" new.VOB
72 ffplay new.VOB
73 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=0:0:1000:700:red" new2.VOB
74 ffplay new2.VOB
75 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=0:0:700:500:red" new3.VOB
76 ffplay new3.VOB
77 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=0:0:500:520:red" new4.VOB
78 ffplay new4.VOB
79 ffmpeg -i letter1.VOB -vf "drawbox=0:0:720:480:red" new5.VOB
# After a lot of experimenting, I realized that the file size was 720 x 480 so I set the size of the box to match that. Here is the result.

80 ffplay new5.VOB
81 history > drawbox.txt

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